
Available Products

It does what it says on the tin! This product alone has stopped thousands of Alan’s clients around the world from smoking and also serves as a backup. A truly lifesaving product.


If paying by Paypal please pay £30.00 to specifying which audio product you require.


Remove Stress & Anxiety. An excellent therapy after a busy day. Get comfortable, put on your headphones and away you go. Get rid of the negative mindset, this will be the best massage of the mind you will ever experience. Use this whenever you feel overloaded.  This is a very popular therapy audio product. 


If paying by Paypal please pay £30.00 to specifying which audio product you require.


If you want to lose weight? This audio is perfect for daily use to help you reinforce the powerful suggestions to keep you on track with your dietary plan and motivation for the new you!


If paying by Paypal please pay £30.00 to specifying which audio product you require.